“Women are never stronger than when their talents are united.”
Ondine Chattan, Cannonball Winemaker
What’s a quote you love and what does it mean to you? “A brand is a promise, a good brand is a promise kept.” This is an over-arching philosophy for me applying to products, places, and people. I take great pride in the brands I make and the effort I put into them. I feel a gravity of responsibility and loyalty to my customer to deliver against their expectations and delight them.
What do you cherish most about the team of women you work with at Cannonball? We are an ambitious and driven group of professionals who mesh well and respect one another’s knowledge and experience. Something that really stands out to me is the strong undercurrent of support and admiration I see across varied roles; each individual’s success is taken as a ‘win’ for the team.
Jennifer Chapple
Vice President of Sales
What is your desert island bottle and why? If I’m deserted on an island I better have a lot more than just ONE bottle of wine!
What do you cherish most about the team of women you work with at Cannonball? This group of women inspire me everyday. We collaborate with each other regularly and listen and contribute without ego or judgement. The women of Cannonball simply ROCK!
Sarah LaFlamme
Sales Manager FL, MS, NH, RI, MA
What advice would you give your 21 year old self? Everything always works out how it’s supposed to. Stress less, embrace life and its challenges and take it all head-on, confidently.
What do you cherish most about the team of women you work with at Cannonball? I embrace how many women are a part of this wonderful Team! I believe that the women are all strong, savvy, smart, innovative and unique in their own ways. We all support each other and lift one another up!
Kelley Deal
Marketing Director
What’s a quote you love and what does it mean to you? “How you do anything is how you do everything!” If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing 100%.
What do you cherish most about the team of women you work with at Cannonball? This team is the best of the best that the industry has to offer! I cherish the opportunities to collaborate, learn from, and have fun with all of these women…Cannonball is most definitely a work family in the best sense.
Megan Holst
Operations Manager
What led you to pursue a career in wine? The passion and creativity that surrounds the wine industry is infectious and it’s so fun to work with such a diverse group of people who share your love of learning about and exploring new wines.
What’s a quote you love and what does it mean to you? “Life is too short to drink bad wine.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. I love this quote because it reminds me that it’s ok to indulge in life’s little pleasures!
Jennifer Iverson
Sales Director West | Southwest
What led you to pursue a career in wine? Growing up in Napa, I started working at a tasting room for a small, family owned winery when I was in college. I fell in love with wine and selling wine and knew it was what I wanted to spend my life doing!
What do you cherish most about the team of women you work with at Cannonball? We each bring different skills to the team, but all love selling Cannonball! I count myself very lucky to work with such brilliant, hardworking and dedicated women.
Barbara Jurbala
Sales Director Central
What’s a quote you love and what does it mean to you? “If you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain.” You must work hard to become the rainbow despite all the challenges. Stay focused, practice patience and be persistent.
What do you cherish most about the team of women you work with at Cannonball? I’m grateful to be surrounded by a high-energy, dedicated team of ladies that challenge and support each other, equal to the “Serious, but Fun” expression on our label.
Isabelle Deland
Sales Manager Canada | Consultant Northeast
What led you to pursue a career in wine? I was invited to join a friend on his wine trip to Burgundy, I had a magical time and I knew something special had happened. Upon my return, I registered to WSET which I graduated with distinction, I then went on to study and graduate as a Certified Sommelier.
What’s a career achievement that you’re most proud of? I was chosen to be on a panel for a Symposium on New Zealand Pinot Noir. I am very proud that my knowledge and my experience led me to such an incredible, intensive trip to Central Otago NZ!
Julia Leeper
Senior Accountant
What’s a quote you love and what does it mean to you? “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” Always helps motivate me to do something if I am doubting myself.
What do you cherish most about the team of women you work with at Cannonball? We all get along really well. They are all great women and good fun!
Emily Putman
Export Guru
Who is someone that inspires you and what impact have they had on your career? I have been fortunate in finding the most inspiring person to be my mom, both personally and professionally. She has cracked ceilings in this industry and helped build alternative routes for women to be successful. She has inspired me to find all aspects of life fulfilling, and like her, never stop learning and striving to be my best self whether personally or professionally.
What advice would you give your 21 year-old self? Trust your decisions, they may not feel right today but life will be wonderful because of them.
Annie Beltrami
Sales & Marketing Coordinator
What led you to pursue a career in wine? Working up the ranks in restaurants really opened the door to the world of wine for me. I was lucky enough to work alongside some super talented beverage and wine directors who helped ignite my passion to learn both about wine itself (the history, the processes, the different regions of the world) as well as the business side of it.
Where has wine taken you and how has that shaped you as a person? There is so much to learn about wine – it’s exciting to feel like I’m just at the tip of the iceberg. I have such a deep appreciation for trying new wines when traveling, for reading through curated wine lists at restaurants, for teaching friends and family what I know so far and seeing them fall in love with wine alongside me. It’s truly become a treasured part of my life!
Lynne Chao
Production Manager
What’s a quote you love and what does it mean to you? “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” The success of the production department hinges on planning ahead!
What do you cherish most about the team of women you work with at Cannonball? I love the women of Cannonball because they are not “platypuses”…